Feeling alone

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⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️



Café AU

Tommy's POV (1st person)

I never fully understood why I felt upset.

I have a loving family, and a hilarious pair of older brothers, including my mother! Although I rarely get the chance to see her since she works too much for us.

But that's beside the point, today, I felt shitty about myself and the world.

Mother would always say:
'Keep your head up Toms.'
And to keep pushing forward with pride.

But not today!

Today! The whole family decided to go out without me! And in my eyes, gave a late invitation knowing I wouldn't be able to make it.
Was I overthinking things? Probably.

They left, and I was left at the house alone. Sounds crappy, but it's only for today. I think.

To clear my head (and not stay indoors all day), I decided to walk to the place I was going to much more often, the café with all the aesthetic lights.
I strode in and noticed the place was bustling with people, not what I was expecting but I continued to walk, standing in line.

I stared at the blackboard that showed the menu, questioning myself if I wanted a smoothie or a boring coffee.
It was my turn to order and my eyes lit up when I realised it was him!

The person immediately recognised me and gave me a warm smile.
"Tommy, what would you like?"

"Phil, hi!"
I nearly jumped on the spot but had to remain composure upon realising that the place was more packed than beforehand. If I were, to be honest, I was happy to see Philza!

"So Phil! I was-"

"As much as I would love to chat Tommy, you have to give me your order."
'Phil' interrupted a hint of guilt evident on his facial expression. I frowned but respected what he had said and asked for a banana and strawberry smoothie, with cookies.

I eventually got the food, personally given by Phil, but before I could thank the man, Philza gave the indication that I had to move as the line behind me grew longer.
Frowning, I left the line and sat in the corner of the café, sitting on a chair and placing my things on the small coffee table.

I stared at the items I had just purchased, but I was still unhappy.
I looked around my surroundings and noted that Philza kept his smile and was friendly with all the customers.
The people around me were in groups, and I was guessing college students just by their attire.

I sighed as I slumped in my seat, taking a small sip of my drink before sighing and acting all 'depressed' again.
Was it because I was alone? I did feel alone.

The people surrounding me were with their friends, partners, family or colleagues, so how come among this sea of people, was I the only guy left out?
I pouted to myself, blaming my stupid brain for thinking this way and stared out the window. To no surprise, more people in groups and pairs walked passed happily with each other.

Groaning, I ate a cookie I had ordered earlier, but it didn't seem to boost my mood.
Took a sip of my smoothie, but it didn't change anything.

I frowned and decided to leave, since Philza was already having a busy afternoon, and had better things to do than talk to a teenager.
Standing from my seat, I left a €5 note on the table.

"Already leaving?"
I turned to my right and wanted to squeal in joy because of who spoke to me.


I cursed to myself, wondering why I stuttered in the first place.

"Stay for a bit? It's my break and I don't want to be lonely."
Philza stated, taking a seat opposite the table, smiling at me.
I sighed and 'reluctantly' sat down, not wanting the elder man to appear lonely.

"Why are you here on your own? Don't your brothers come with you?"
Philza asked, eyeing the cookies I had bought. I pouted at his question, not wanting to talk about them anymore.
However, I couldn't avoid the topic altogether. So.

"They went to hang out without me. And it sucks."
I sunk into my seat, took a cookie and bit into it aggressively. Philza gave a look of sympathy and nodded. Did he understand what I had said?

"It's shit. But you know, sometimes they do find me annoying so I can see their point of not wanting to hang out with me."
I rambled on about my brothers. Both badmouthing them and complimenting them.

Saying how Techno and Wilbur were both cocky idiots and only cared for themselves, but then again, thought of the time when they raised a charity for my school specifically when I complained that the building was run down.

Explaining to Phil how idiotic they were, yet, how witty they can sometimes be.

This made me feel conflicted.

Philza spoke up after a while, his arms folded as he observed me as some kind of experiment.

I sighed and looked straight into his eyes.
"...I'm upset that they went to bond with themselves without me."

Philza inquired, tilting his head to the side slightly. I groan at him.
"...but I don't hate them.."

Philza oddly smiled at my cheesy answer, taking a cookie from the plate and biting into it, a satisfactory expression on his face.
"That's just family Tommy. You can never truly hate them."

I huff at him, Philza should apply for a new job.

My therapist or something.

I sigh, hiding my smile from Philza, observing him as he continued to talk and give a whole lecture about life.
He stayed with me the whole time, being by my side until his break had ended. Simply talking to a lonely teenager.
(Who wasn't feeling so lonely anymore!)

How can you despise that old man?

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