Overworking..? (1)

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⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️



Band AU

Tommys POV (1st person)

"No..no that just doesn't sound..right.."
I say, sighing into the guitar and turning behind me.

Ranboo and Tubbo.

The only two that were up to practice, Wil and Techno are busy for today.
It was nice enough for them to even arrive.

"Tommy..! We've been doing this for forever now! Can we at least take a break?"
Tubbo whined, clearly uncomfortable of standing and working for so long.

"I agree with Tubbo, we usually take breaks so why not now-?"
Ranboo perked up, earning a fist bump from Tubbo.

"One more. One more and then-"
I cut off at the end, noticing their exhausted faces.

"..just one break. And then we'll get back to work."
I sigh, Tubbo and Ranboo smiling at me.

The two ran out the room to go to the kitchen, leaving me, standing alone.

It's not my fault that I want to work harder than before.

Thanks to Phil, our band has gotten much more recognition than before, thus being, we must put all of our effort into this.

Hearing footsteps, I turn to see Techno and Wilbur by the door.

"Hey Tommy."
Techno greets, offering a glass of water for me.

"I don't-"
I try to push the glass away, Wilbur giving a frown.

"Come on dude, just a sip?"
He asks, wanting to make me a better person..?

I huff at the two, reluctantly taking the glass.

"So..why so uptight Tommy?"
Techno asks me, checking to make sure I'm actually drinking my water.

I glance at him through the glass. Haven't heard that word before.

"Uptight. Anxious..angry..and being over..over controlling.."
Wilbur explains, being hesitant to finish the sentence.

I laugh at the them.
"No? I just want to get things done."

"Like this?..I suggest-"

"Yeah yeah, take a break like what Angelica says. It's going to be ok, after they're finished their little rest we'll play for..a few more minutes..?"
I question my self, wondering what time we arrived to the studio.

"Tommy, they arrived here at 10am, it's now 3pm."
Wilbur lectures briefly, sighing when my face turned into shock.

5 hours?

It sure seems like a lot, but it's only for today.

"Tommy. Are you alright? You have eye-bags and that-"
Techno tried to point out, however I'm starting to pack away my things.

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