Tommys guide on becoming the best youngest sibling (4)

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⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️



A guide for being the best youngest sibling out of every single family, (in my opinion)!
Tommy Innit


Obviously, people think being the youngest is the best role out of the family, and it kind of is!

However, obviously there's some little sneaky raccoons out there who don't follow the stupid rules like our older siblings.

Sad to say, but there are rules for a reason, and we may be the reason-

Us younger siblings can and change the course of what the world is!
We are the generation of this world to be honest.

In this guide, I coded it so that I will explain how to be the best younger sibling in the world, and trust me it is crazy!
Also, according to books
(or whatever it's called) statistics only a small percentage of readers are actually voting for this!
So if you aren't, please do vote for this, it helps me a bunch and if you don't want to (which I pray that doesn't happen) then..

Aside from that, let's go onto what

1. Sadly, follow what's going on, and the rules I suppose

Now in my opinion, go with your gut they say. However when it comes to whatever family event there is, follow your family or whoever you're close to there and follow them. No matter what.
Or else you'll probably die-

2. Listen to your older siblings/parents

This is an obvious factor, if you genuinely don't listen to your older siblings and parents then please do-
It strengthens the bond between the whole family and overall boosts morale!
(Hey that kinda rhymed)

3. Close every single door when you enter (if requested) and leave (must do that one)

As a younger sibling, I can speak from experience that leaving the door open after leaving a room, specifically your older siblings room, they can get hella pissed.
And you do not want to see it, sure it's hilarious and funny to see them annoyed, but Jesus Christ it's also annoying when they do that to you as well.
Lesson learned, teach others the way how you want to be treated.

4. Don't snitch on older siblings

Again, speaking from experience.
I one time snitched on my older siblings once, no benefit to me other than them being angry on me.
So, to bond with siblings, make some deals like they do in alleyways.
And trust me, it gets way better once your older sibling does something hella wrong and you caught them red handed, the prices are nice.

5. Make an alliance between you and your siblings

Making some sort of alliance or team with your siblings are awesome.
Number one, benefits, they can take more food and can use you as an excuse,
Number two, you can team up against anybody,
Number three, you guys will look awesome.

Those are the main 5 rules, things, whatever they're called that are important to know to help you as a younger sibling.

And of course,

Here are the things that

1. Never leave the door open, unless you want death

Similar to the last one, don't do it kids-
It annoys the fuck out of the older ones cause they're so old.

2. Never steal food (especially personal items) from your older siblings

This is the biggest crime to commit, if youve done this and managed to escape, o7 to you bud you're a legend.
Stealing food from you older siblings is basically asking death, there's somewhat a connection between food and themselves. Weirdchamp.

3. Trying to compete against your siblings/trying to impress everybody

Trying to impress everyone is just exhausting, take a break man.
So, you think you're living in your older siblings shadow and for once want to take the shining spotlight? As much as that sounds nice, you don't have to.
Just for attention, I recommend not to, maybe your older siblings have something they have to keep up!

I call those the 3 main points on what not to do as a younger sibling.

Now as much as it's so tempting to annoy your older siblings, or maybe your parents, please don't.

They're probably going through something and you annoying them or more will just make it worse.

For the sake of them, leave it be until you realise that their mood has greatly lifted, maybe you can even help them when in doubt!

To recap everything I just said,

Never leave a door open
Never steal anything (especially their personal items)
Never try to act all perfect, nobody is and in fact you right now are already doing an amazing job right now,
Never snitch

Do bond with your family
Do make alliances
Do love yourself

That's all for today's guide everyone!

Hope to see you all again soon one day.


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