Philzas Past, Our King (3)

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⚠️Trigger Warnings⚠️

Mention of Drowning


Hybrid AU

No one's POV

Philza is now a 26-year-old man, quite young, quite old. Whichever you think. He tends to say quite young.

Wilbur and Technoblade, or Techno for short, are now both 7 years of age.
Wilbur considers them both twins, and he can't deny it they do somehow act the same at times.

But they all agreed that Techno is the older twin, purely because he acts more mature.

"Wil, where's Techno?"
Wilbur was playing with Dave and Friend outside.

"I think he's somewhere in the forest, probably stabbing."

Wilbur replies happily. Phil only gave a solemn look.                                                                       "..helpful."

"Look I can even summon him!"
Wilbur said excitedly. This isn't going to go well.


It was silent for a whole minute. And they both saw Techno sprinting his way to Wilbur.

" something wrong?"
Techno asked, out of breath.

Wilbur turned to Phil who was just worried.

"I...I need to go to the market and buy some things."

"So..we are coming with you?"
Techno asked, Wilbur, holding Dave closely.

"That's the issue. I, unfortunately, cannot bring you two, so I have to go alone..can you guys handle that?"

"Yeah, I'm strong."
Techno said bluntly, still monotone which made Phil laugh.


"Yeah, I've been training. It's my training arc-"

"You are not strong! I am strong! Stronger than you!"
Wilbur exclaimed, only now realizing what Techno had meant.

The two started to bicker, Phil sighed at them, kids.

"Oi, listen here."
The two stopped to listen to their father.

"I am going to the market, to buy us some stuff ok?"
Phil gained a nod from both of the 'twins'.

"Now. Both of you have to protect each other if anyone or anything gets near here alright?"



"You two are on your own, be mindful of that. Techno. No touching my trident."
Phil saw the obvious smile from Techno of mischief fade away.

"And Wilbur, don't wander too deep into the forest, if Friend even passes that dark spruce tree, leave it like that."
Wilbur nodded, stroking Friends head.

"Alright, I'll be heading out now, I'll be back as soon as I can ok?"
Wilbur and Techno saluted at Phil who also did the same back.

He spread apart his wings and took off.


"Fresh Flowers picked from Evergreen!"

"The best meat you can ever buy for only 3 gold ingots!"

Phil strode past these merchants.

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