Technos guide for being a good, older sibling (2)

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⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️

Swearing, mentions bullying
(physical +mentally)


A guide to becoming the best older brother in history, (in my opinion)
By :


Being the eldest of the family can turn to be either the best or worst experience in life.

When being the oldest sibling in the family, you have a lot of rules or things to follow as you are the first child of the family.

As the eldest myself, I can influence my younger siblings easily.
I can influence them in a bad way.
Or I can influence them in a good way.

The family is a stepping stone to what the person becomes.

In this guide, I shall explain and show what things you can do or what not to do. For the better of yourself and family members of course.

Here is what (in my opinion) you SHOULD/CAN do:

1. You are allowed to make mistakes

When we are the eldest, we are expected to be perfect since we are the first child in the family.
That is incorrect.
We are all human beings and all make mistakes, so you mess up that one exam, so what, you tried your hardest and thats all that matters. You did amazing.

2. Speak up for yourself

We have a mouth, so use it.
We don't just always follow our parents rules, we all have opinions about them and so do they.
So we talk about it.

3. Let out your emotions

Keeping everything to yourself is terrible for mental health.
You don't have to always keep things bottled up, you are allowed to spill it out. You aren't weak when doing so, you're showing your true self.

4. Show respect towards your siblings + family members (everyone)

Showing respect to people can drastically change how people see you.
Doing this with your family and siblings can create a stronger bond between the family in general.

5. Show/give support and listen to them

Just like you, they will listen to whatever you have to say, so why not do the same back.
Doing this will definitely grow the bond and learn more about each other.

6. Be present + spend time with them

This may take a lot of effort, but will be worthwhile since your family will have a stronger bond together.
Maybe even make you happier.
A recommendation of mine is to read them the book called "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu.

Those are what I follow to keep the flow of how I am with my family.
But there are things you shouldn't do when being the eldest sibling of the family.

Here are the things (in my opinion) you SHOULDN'T do:

1. Bullying your younger siblings (physically + mentally)

You can tease your younger siblings obviously.
But physically hurting them is fucking wrong. They will become afraid of you and back down easily since you hurt them when they did something you didn't like etc.
Mentally bullying them like calling them names and judging them, they will live their life thinking they aren't normal and an outcast.

2. Ignoring/neglecting your younger siblings

Ignoring/neglecting your younger siblings will make them feel an unbelievable sense of loneliness.
They will grow not knowing how to talk or make friends and may become highly secretive.

3. Acting all powerful and mighty in front of them (bragging)

If you do this, this is positive or negative.
Showing how strong you mentally and physically are can be a great role model towards your siblings.
However, if doing this in a pushing way, or a bragging way may make them insecure about themselves greatly.

4. Being dishonest with them

If you lie a lot to your siblings, this will develop to them having trust issues.
Since you are the closest one and you lie to them, they don't know who to lean on as they will suspect you may tell someone etc.

It takes time and definitely effort to keep a stable relationship with your family,
However it's amazing how much they could impact on your life.

It made me realise that maybe killing orphans isn't my kind of style.

Slight advertisement for other guides
I also would've never thought I would make and write something this cheesy, but here we are, me making a guide about siblings.
In my defence, it was Philza Minecraft and Wilbur Soot who started it, I recommend to go read their guides as they actually are quite interesting.

Philzas is about parenting,
And Wilburs is about the middle child, I think I spoiled his but at least you all get a small teaser about his now.
I think Tommyinnit has one as well, but I don't think you should read it, for the safety of your sanity.

Remember older siblings or soon to be older siblings, what Sun Tzu had said:

"In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity."
-Sun Tzu

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