Interesting Customers

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⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️



Cafe AU

Philzas/Phils POV (3rd person)

Most people have always thought that working in a cafe was embarrassing.

That you're only working there part time.

In Philzas opinion,

Majority of his colleagues were teenagers or young adults. Phil was one of the few that was an actual adult.

Most thought he was a little weird for working in a cafe than anywhere else.

Who would want to work in a cafe for the rest of your life?

To him,
Philza fucking loved his job.

It was just the calmness of the place.

Unlike most cafes, this was mostly eco friendly or oriented.

Plants practically everywhere but fit into perfect positions,

Hanging plants from the ceilings, the large wooden walls and glass surrounding the cafe,
Fairy lights and lanterns was Philzas personal favourite,
Small little flower pots on each coffe table that allows you to take a flower from it.

Their cups aren't plastic, they're recyclable and you never get offered a straw or given one.

And to make his experience better,

Puffy, was the owner of the cafe.

Although she may be younger than him, they both mutually respect each other.

In his town, it was the most popular cafe so of course there would be its fair share of customers.

Some upset, happy, angry and let's not get started with the really weird ones.

But there are some exceptions Philza allows to go by.


The bell ringed at the entry of the door.

Philza turned his way over towards that direction with a genuine smile on his face.

A young man that looked way too familiar.

He called, the younger man approaching Philza with slight excitement.

"Hey Phil."
He say with much monotone, though Phil can easily tell he was glad to meet him.

"Good afternoon mate, what can I get you?"
Phil asks, smiling at the man.

"Oh come seriously don't remember..?"
The man whines childishly, Philza snorted at his actions.

"It would be a waste even if I prepared it early enough. Plus, you're not the only customer."
Philza pointed at the line forming behind Techno, then taking a cup to already prepare his order knowing the man will always persuade him to do it.

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