Philzas Past, Still family (5)

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⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️

Mentions Yelling


Hybrid AU

Tommys POV (3rd person)

Wilbur and Techno haven't talked to each other for a while and it worried Tommy slightly.

After the disastrous beach day, Phil had demanded the two to stay inside for the whole day while Tommy rests.

It was upsetting for the boys, but Phil was angry so they shouldn't argue.

Tommy tried to tell Phil this 'problem' about the two, but Phil brushed it off thinking and saying that they were worried for Tommy, but it was something much deeper than that.


It has been a day since the incident. Everyone silently agreed to name it the incident.

Tommy trudged his way to Wilbur who was playing outside with Friend.

Wilbur turned to the blonde who looked quite grumpy.
"What is it?"

"Techno is sad! You talk to him!"
Tommy pointed his finger to Wilbur then to the direction of where Techno is, somewhere in the forest.
Wilburs expression was surprised and shrugged at Tommy.

"I am not talking to him, you talk to him."
Wilbur huffed, turning back to Friend who was nibbling on Wilbur's sweater.
"No Friend..!"

Wilbur gently pushed away from the blue sheep who only responded with a grunt. 

Tommy wanted to argue back, probably throw a tantrum but that won't change anything.

"Then can you at least tell Techno to play tag with me?! He promised! And so did you!"
Wilbur ignored this and began to walk away with Friend following behind.

Tommy frowned.
He stomped off to where his other brother is.


Tommy pushed past bushes, even batting some away.

Tommy, like the toddler he is, is feeling grumpy.
His brothers aren't talking and they even promised that when the sun passes that tree that they will play tag with him!

And guess what?!

They completely ignored it!

Tommy saw the blade hitting a tree with a branch quite aggressively.

He saw Techno hit it with full force, the branch breaking and it flying towards Tommy's direction.
Tommy yelled in fear and duck down, thank goodness for his raccoon senses.

Techno stopped with this and sat beside the tree he was abusing, leaning on it.
Techno looked stressed. Time for an awesome move.

Tommy skipped to him and happily sat in front of him.

Techno gave a curious gaze.

"You and Wil promised to play tag with me every day when the sun passes that tree!"
Tommy explained, clearly annoyed at Techno and even pointing at the tree angrily.

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