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⚠️Trigger Warnings⚠️

Swearing, mentions needles


Technoblades POV (3rd person)

Techno exited from the building, his ear slightly red but he doesn't care. Not really.

He looks so cool right now.

The workers were kind enough to give him a mirror, not that they were intimidated by him, they were nervous by the presence of Techno.

Techno admired his ear, he only got one pierced just because he'll do the other next time, and that he's quite busy.

He's not scared of needles, he kills his enemies with swords all the time so why would he?

..maybe he does have a slight fear of them mini daggers but point is, everyone is going to be so jealous of Techno, so jealous.


"Guess who got 'em."
Techno walked into the sitting room where Wilbur and Tommy were playing Uno.

"Got what?"
Tommy asked, though not caring since Wilbur gave him a +2 card.
"..fuck you, man."

Techno gave a disappointing sigh, guess he has to resort to showing them.

Techno tied his hair up, clearly showing a pierced ear.
Wilbur hummed, acknowledging Techno slightly.

Wilbur placed down his last card and stuck the middle finger up to Tommy who was shouting angrily at Wilbur, accusing him of cheating.

Wilbur gathered the cards and started shuffling them up, indicating they're going to play another round.
"Wanna join Techno?"

Techno frowned at the sight.

Perhaps Philza could praise the almighty blood god.


It has been 30 minutes after he left Tommy and Wilbur. Oddly enough he didn't find Phil within that timespan.

Techno called for his name, he looked everywhere around the house, even the basement. And he hates that room.

Techno reluctantly went back to where Wilbur and Tommy were, but the house was empty?

Since when?

If they had left the house, they wouldn't avoid The Blade himself. Weird.

Techno walked back up the stairs, slightly cringing about how silent it was.
He could only hear himself, usually, Tommy or Wilburs shouts would interrupt any second now.

But it didn't come.

He's got to be overreacting, however...

He jumped when the doorbell to their house rang. Strange. Very strange.

He rushed to his room and grabbed his sword, just in case.
Techno ran down the steps and slowly turned the doorknob.

Phil was standing outside the door, grinning when Techno opened the door.

Techno took a step back to allow Phil to enter.

"Phil! Do you know where Wil and Tommy are?"
Techno was genuinely worried, they just disappeared without a trace...

"I dropped them off somewhere, two wanted to do something."
Phil shrugs, entering the home and taking off his bucket hat.

Techno gave a suspicious look to Phil who made his way over to the kitchen.
"Lock the door as well mate!"

Techno closed and locked the door, Phils answer didn't explain anything at all.

He followed Phil to the kitchen where he was eating his food.
"Phil, where were you?"

"I was bringing Wil and Tommy to where they wanted to go."
He explained, biting his chocolate bar.

"Without me?"
Techno was frowning, he never gets left out like this. Especially if it involves Wilbur.

"You'll see, they may regret it but it'll be hilarious trust."



"Techno! They're back!"
Techno was already at the door, you could consider him just a little bit protective of Tommy and Wilbur.

"Where the-"

He noticed that Tommy had a few tears in his eyes and Wilbur as well. Their eyes were puffy and red.

'Something has happened. Something bad.'
Techno thought intently.

"Get inside and explain."
Techno demanded.

The two rushed inside, no questions asked, and sat down beside Phil who was in the kitchen.
Techno slammed the door and went to where they were.

"It fucking hurts man!"
Tommy was covering his ear, Techno guessed it was bleeding since his ear was red.

"Can vouch for Tommy-"

"You didn't explain."
Techno pursued, crossing his arms at the two.

"Fine, show yours after Tommy."
Wilbur took off his beanie and Techno saw it straight away.

A pierced ear.

The earring was a simple music note, classical.

"Wait what..?"
Techno was flabbergasted. His brothers pierced their ears?!

Tommy stopped covering his ear as well and showed the same thing as Wilbur, only his earring was a music disk hanging.

Techno couldn't believe it.

"We pierced our ears Techno!"
Wilbur smiled, pointing at his and Tommy's ears.


"Matching! We didn't want you to have all the attention!"
Tommy explained, Phil laughing in the background.

"You alright Techno?"
Wilbur asked, his smile fading slightly.

"Yeah. It's cool I guess."

"You guess?! We went through literal hell?! How the fuck did you even manage that you-"
It was all a blur for Techno, Tommy was shouting with Wilbur and Phil was trying to engage in a conversation with Techno.

Though he kept his composure, but deep down he's dying out of joy.

The children can have a day off from Techno, he's too busy right now.

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