Sit back, and Relax (2)

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⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️



Band AU

Tommys POV (1st Person)

The last thing that I remember, was stressing about shit.

Was I overreacting?

Was I simply just being overly sensitive?

Was I overthinking about something?

I don't even know myself, not that I want to try know myself.

My body, my rules I guess?



I turn and see Phil standing just outside my bedroom door. He's dressed up comfortably, what's he up to?

"Hey, can I enter?"

Phil asks playfully, though I'm fully aware he'll make his way in eventually. I signal for him to come in and he closed the door behind gratefully.

"So, I came in to ask if you want to go outside-"

I say almost immediately, turning back to my desk and figuring out what I should write next.

"Tommy come on, it's only for 2 hours. No need to be..cooped up in here."
Phil says patiently, watching me pick up a random pen from nearby.

"I'm nearly finished writing, also last time we went out, a huge crowd of fans walked up and bombarded us with questions. And fucking Ranboo had to hide-"

"Don't badmouth Ranboo like that."
Phil says firmly, though worried about my safety. Knowing I will go much more farther than that.

"Should I do another person?"
I say in a threatening way, as if challenging Phil to edge on.

Phil raised his voice slightly, arms folded.

I'm so dead.

"You are going with our family bonding, to the aquarium specifically, in an hour."
Phil states, slowly starting to walk towards my guitar by the corner of my room.

" thanks I'll stay-"

"If not I'm hiding away all your instruments, including Technos and Wilburs."
Phil turns to me then at the guitar. He had a deadly threatening tone and he's serious.

"You wouldn't-"

"I will if it has to make you socialise. Now, may I have an answer?"
I groan at him and closed the book.

"Fine I'll go.."
I say, relieved when he stepped away from the guitar.

"Great, I'll go tell Wil and Techno that. Remember, in an hour."
Phil reminds, now oddly happy again and walking out my bedroom door.

Today is just to simply relax.

That's easy.


It is not easy.

Life is miserable, life in meaningless, life is strange-

"I called shotgun Techno, now fuck off will you?"
Wilbur repeats in a threatening (playful) tone.

Wilbur and Techno are fighting over a seat. I decided to take the back seat by the window because it's the best seat.
Plus you have all the snacks.

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