Wilburs guide for being a middle child (3)

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⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️

Swearing, mentions intrusive thoughts (?)


A guide for dealing and being a Middle child of the family, (in my opinion!)
Wilbur Soot


A middle child is one of the best or worse roles ever.

That one moment you realise that you'll be the middle child is indeed something,
Mainly because being, sometimes the parents forgetting your existence.

And that's why, well most of the time how the middle child grows to become the most mature out of their siblings, in my opinion at least.

However, that's ok!
We really do need our families as they provide our daily needs, however we grow to become strong and independent due to us sometimes being left out.

So here are the THINGS YOU SHOULD DO as a middle child: (in my opinion)

1. Always invest in your money

At a young age, our parents will provide us with whatever they have, including leaving us with hand-me-downs.
However when getting older, they tend to sometimes forget which is understandable.
As much as you want to get that one game in store or new phone, provisions are way more important.

2. Witness what's happening, never join in blindly

Us middle children have grown and gotten used to our older and younger siblings fighting at times, this has grown useful in my opinion as I'm much more observant.
I recommend you can try it :)

3. Stop the fights with your other siblings

Our other siblings may bicker a lot, and that includes us as well.
And we don't really want them to get in trouble right? This also may lead to us to become just annoyed with their fights, hence why you should try stop the fighting, maybe you could get an even closer bond!

4. When going on a road trip, always bring your own stuff just in case

We all tend to forget things, and to be genuinely forgetful.
However, we should discipline ourselves to bring our own necessities in case!
Though I shall allow you to steal from any of your family members, I recommend sitting at the back.

5. Always respect and maybe even adore your family

It may be difficult at first, however family is family. You will never be the person you are right now at this moment.
Adoring them, respecting them, appreciating them is an amazing feeling.

It may be hard to do these at first, but the results at the end is always worth it!
And as always,

Of course you obviously don't have to do everything on here exactly, I'm just a guide and to recommend you things in my opinion that are good/helpful!

And now,

Here are some THINGS YOU SHOULDNT/DONT NEED TO DO as a middle child: (in my opinion)

1. Competing with your siblings

You really have no need to compete with your siblings to prove you're the best or anything.
Sure bragging rights sure sound good, but showing the results of what you did before can fully impact them more than just showing them the small steps.

2. Still, don't do anything too weird just because you aren't always kept in watch

Now just because they all don't pay too much attention, doesn't mean you can always escape the consequences!
Stay in line guys, sure have some fun and play around but overall don't do anything too crazy.

3. Lying to them and keeping all your emotions inside

You may want to hide all your emotions due to you not knowing who or how to talk to people. Bottling it all up makes it even worse, and maybe intrusive thoughts may come to play, and you don't want that as it's fucking shitty to you dude.

4. You don't have to be the best/ 1st place in everything

Trying to be the best will be mentally and physically exhausting just to try get attention by your family.
You don't necessarily have to be the best at that one thing!
If you're happy with what you are, that's great and I'm so proud of you, if you're thriving to get better/improve, I believe in you!

All of this is always in my opinion ok?

You never have to follow these step by step, yes you can try oblige to it but remember that this is only a guide.

In my opinion, middle children tend to have it much more difficult than the others, maybe other middle children are actually thriving and enjoying, but majority says that it's the opposite.

As a middle child, I'm grateful for my siblings, perhaps that's a step for becoming the best person you are.

And as always, thank you for reading this small guide, a colouring page is on page 12 of this guide, titled
"How to calm down".

And as always, thank you for reading this small guide, a colouring page is on page 12 of this guide, titled "How to calm down"

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Their name is friend!

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Actually, my whole family is writing a family guide similar to this as well!
(I was the one who got them into doing it :) )

I recommend reading Technoblades if you're an older sibling,

Philza Minecrafts if you're about to become a parent, likewise maybe someone else who is an adult in the family,

Tommyinnits isn't released yet, however judging by this family flow I think it'll be about being the youngest, PG friendly hopefully!

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