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Me: Hope you have a safe journey back
Me: it was lovely to see and meet you all
Me: the week went way too quickly

Calum: yh I can't believe I got to c u. I'm still smilin

Me: you are all really great guys
Me: I had such a great time
Me: now back to the grind of work 😭

Calum: already?

Me: yeah and I'm already in a bad mood
Me: not only did I have to say goodbye to you this morning
Me: but Katie text me too

Calum: wot did she want?? 🤬

Me: basically trying to say that my newfound fame will help her get a lavish lifestyle and that she wanted to talk to Ash

Calum: tell her 2 fuc-

Me: already did

Calum: I'm so mad. He's still upset

Me: I can imagine
Me: I felt so bad for him
Me: she's honestly the worst person I know and I'm sorry she even tried to get involved with you all

Calum: he'll b ok. He's a strong guy

Me: as long as she doesn't try to weasel back in

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