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Ellie's PoV

With the fans who were lucky enough to win tickets to this secret gig slowly and calmly filing in, I decided to sneak in with them in a deceiving disguise that made sure none of them knew who I was. The last thing I needed was the fans to recognise me and ruin all the hard work, and the surprise element, of my surprise!
Near on everyone else in the band and staff were in on it though, which meant that they could help me get close enough to the stage for Calum to finally see me. His message had tugged at my heart strings but I knew if I had responded, I'd have ended up somehow giving it all away. Yes, we'd gone through a rough patch but who doesn't? And when he'd opened up about why he'd flipped so much, I understood. There would be things that could crop up that would bring that same reaction out of me too so it was best for me to keep an open mind. It hurt because he used old wounds to tear us apart and isolate Ashton, but these were all slowly healing.

"Congratulations, you've been selected to stand in our VIP area!" The security guard who scanned my 'ticket' flung a golden paper wristband over my wrist and gestured for me to head in a slightly different entrance. "Hope it goes well, Ellie!" He whispered afterwards, a coy grin on his face.

"Thanks! I owe you one." I whispered back as I rushed through the entrance and to the main stage where all the fans were beginning to take their places. I headed straight for Calum's barricade, making sure that I was pretty much centre of his eye line should he look down at the fans. When they would start playing I'd take off my disguise and he'd realise I was there - as would the fans who would hopefully cheer and make it all the more sweet.

My phone buzzed in my pocket four times, signalling one of my many group chats starting up again, probably to give me some insider information on what was going to happen. I glanced down quickly, making sure no one saw my phone or the names of the people I was speaking to.


Crystal: hey are you in yet? I'm peeking through the door to the right where me and Si are going to sit

Me: hey, yeah I'm centre of cals barricade wearing a bright blue baseball cap.

Sierra: this is so fucking sweet
Sierra: I swear if he doesn't react the way I want I'm going to beat him over the head with his bass


Crystal: he's been gloomy all day but probably because he regrets it and thinks you can't be here

Sierra: hey look over im waving 👋

Me: omg I see your hand! Hiiiii 👋

Crystal: I know where you are now!

Me: im so nervous I think im going to be sick

Crystal: no not now, you've come this far

Sierra: did you eat any dodgy plane food?

Crystal: omg si shut up

Sierra: im literally standing next to you why are you texting me?

Crystal: you're texting me too?

Me: you two are hilarious
Me: but they're announcing them so I'd best get ready and remove my disguise 🥸

Crystal: see ya soon 😘

Sierra: good luck, don't vomit

I shook my head as I closed the chat and shoved my phone back in my pocket. The guys had been announced and the small crowd were still deafening as the four walked out on stage and waved at everyone. They took their places and I watched as Calum's sad demeanour instantly switched to a chirpy cheeky bass player who was loving life. I watched in awe as he bounced around the stage, going up to Luke before dancing around with Michael, following this he went up to Ashton and they jammed together. My heart was about to burst with the joy of watching him do the job he'd spoken to much about yet I hadn't had a chance to witness.

"Alright everyone! Time to play one from our new and unreleased album!" Luke laughed as the crowd screamed once more. Ashton her a few drum beats which was my cue to start revealing myself from under my disguise. "This one really hits home with us and I really hope you'll like it. It's called Lonely Heart!"

The four began to play as I took my baseball cap off and dropped it just the other side of the barricade. I unzipped the very large hoodie, which was totally inappropriate for this kind of weather and building, and dropped that and my wig onto the floor too. Some fans were starting to notice me as I heard the whispers begin. Slowly, that increased to a murmur and, despite everyone loving the song, they were torn between that and me. I didn't want to think highly of myself, but I could hear what they were saying.

"Oh my God!" One fan screamed, making the guys look directly at the audience as their eyes searched for the issue. Somehow, whilst they did this, they played without a single fault which amazed me even more. I begged and prayed and internally screamed at Calum to notice me, now in my white crop top and black skinny jeans as his eyes brushed over the fans one by one until they finally met mine.

"Such a lonely hea- holy shit Ellie?!" Calum's vocals had sung so nicely until he saw me, the harmony ending abruptly as he took me in. The smile on his face grew as he waved me up on stage and, with help of two huge guards who lifted me over the barricade and onto the stage, I rushed into his arms. The song paused as Calum dropped his bass to hug me, breathing me in as if he hadn't seen me in years, practically squeezing the life out of me. "It's so good to see you." The rest of the band continued to play their part on repeat as if we were in an interlude.

"I'm so happy to see you too, but right now you're in the middle of a song." I giggled, pointing down at his bass which he quickly held and apologised to the crowd.

"Jeez sorry guys. I guess I got a little carried away, let's finish the song." I took a few steps back and watched them end the song, receiving the hugest cheer i think I'd ever heard! The guys were quick to thank the fans and dive off, sorting themselves out before they did a Q&A. They dragged all the girlfriends on stage for that one and we all began answering the fans questions, time flying by as we all had a laugh, Calum's arm never leaving my side as he held me close to him, relishing our small time together.

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