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Me: well that could have gone worse I suppose

Kai: what do you mean? I was pretty well behaved

Me: I was ready to throw you out at first
Me: coming in all macho with your chest puffed out
Me: 🙄🙄🙄

Kai: it takes like 30 seconds to make an impression
Kai: his will be that he doesn't mess with you or me

Me: you're an absolute idiot

Kai: trust me impressions mean a lot

Me: in prison yeah
Me: scaring my boyfriend for no reason? Not really

Kai: I was seeing if he was legit

Me: I worked that out months ago
Me: I'm not that dumb

Kai: of course you're not
Kai: but love makes you do dumb things sometimes
Kai: anyway I like him he's a good guy

Me: good
Me: so next time will you behave??
Me: or I'm not even letting you in

Kai: I can't promise but I'll do my best

Me: coming from you that's the best I can ask for

Kai: and it's sweet that he let me know of this hotel
Kai: we can catch up again tomorrow before I head back in time for my job interview

Me: I still can't believe you're getting a job

Kai: just because I made one mistake once does not mean I'm not going to earn my way

Me: fair enough
Me: can't believe you'll be back home soon

Kai: don't worry I'll fly out again soon 😁

Me: promise??

Kai: 👍

Me: alright
Me: I'll catch up with you tomorrow

Kai: love you Boo

Me: love you Sulley ❤️

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