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Secret society chat

Crystal: okay plan is go
Crystal: and may I just say Mr Hood that you've picked a gorgeous girl

Sierra: she's just happily trying on dresses oblivious to what's coming up next month

Calum: pls remind me y this is called secret society chat??

Sierra: it sounded cool?

Crystal: Sierra's underlying wish to have been a spy

Calum: of course
Calum: how r u 2 gettin on with dress shoppin?

Crystal: it's going well! Think I've found the one 😍

Sierra: I'm torn between a few but if I look back at the photos a few times I'll pick the one

Calum: amazing! The guys r gonna feel like $1m seein u all dressed up

Crystal: as are you when you see Ellie
Crystal: the bridesmaid dress is to die for 🤤

Sierra: don't ruin it!!!

Calum: really?
Calum: can't wait 2 c her
Calum: this day is gonna b sweet

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