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Calum: ur gonna h8 me
Calum: I need u 2 ask Els something 4 me

Ashton: this is becoming quite a regular occurrence for someone who hated me

Calum: trust me I no
Calum: I'm sorry 4 how I acted b4
Calum: nd I saw how much u put in2 helping with Ellie coming over here and surprising me

Ashton: yeah cos contrary to your beliefs I'm actually a good person

Calum: i no u r
Calum: nd I need ur help pls

Ashton: 🤦‍♂️ what?

Calum: can u ask els who Kai is?

Ashton: Kai?

Calum: Katie hacked her phone nd sent me a screenshot
Calum: well 2 now
Calum: she keeps saying she misses him and they love each other nd stuff

Ashton: are you worried?

Calum: I dunno
Calum: I trust her bt at the same time y has she never mentioned him b4?

Ashton: good point
Ashton: but why can't you ask?

Calum: cos Katie sent it 2 me nd then it looks like i dnt trust Ellie

Ashton: so you want me to just ask out of curiosity and mention a name she's never brought up with me?

Calum: idk man mayb say Katie sent it 2 u 2? Or I mentioned it 2 u?

Ashton: Katie is stirring up shit again and you know it
Ashton: I'll ask her though just cos I'm a good friend

Calum: thx man I owe u 1

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