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Me: ash?

Ash: els?

Me: you know all the guys are planning to bring their girlfriends over next week?
Me: Calum just invited me
Me: he said Crystal and Sierra are already going

Ash: what??
Ash: no one told me that!
Ash: guess they assumed I didn't need to know cos they think I'm single

Me: Sorry I just wanted to check

Ash: it's fine
Ash: thanks for telling me

Me: hey remember I'm here for you too
Me: just cos I'm with Calum doesn't mean I can't look out for you
Me: maybe it will work in your favour though

Ash: ???

Me: well if we're all going to aus, it doesn't seem so suspicious that you'd invite someone over too
Me: whether it was a friend or a girlfriend
Me: you could say you knew everyone else would be busy
Me: so you got someone over to spend time with

Ash: actually that's a great point
Ash: I don't even have to explain who it is or what their relationship is with me

Me: I mean they'd find out as soon as she stepped off the plane but yeah

Ash: honestly you're such a great friend
Ash: I know you and Katie have bad history but you're still willing to help me

Me: ❤️❤️❤️

Ash: let me tell the guys

Me: and I'm going to tell cal I can go
Me: be great to catch up with you too 😁

Ash: 😘

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