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Me: Cal baby please

Calum: I'm so mad right now

Me: with me?

Calum: y didn't u tell me?

Me: he was drunk
Me: I spoke to him and said I didn't see him that way
Me: I was with you and he was my friend
Me: he said thanks for being nice and we left it
Me: I didn't want to ruin your friendship because of a drunk mistake

Calum: cnt believe he even txt u that
Calum: no wonder he was off wiv me when we went out

Me: cal I know you're mad about it all
Me: but please help him
Me: Katie has put us in a group chat just to threaten us constantly
Me: once again she's using people for money
Me: she just wants a lifestyle that means she doesn't need to work
Me: and she's using your friend to get it just like she used me

Calum: I really really h8 that bitch

Me: me too

Calum: hmm fine
Calum: I'll help but only cos it could hurt u 2
Calum: I'm still mad at him

Me: that's all I can ask
Me: and I'm sorry I didn't tell you

Calum: it's ok
Calum: I get y u didn't
Calum: now let's sort this idiot out

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