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Kai: Boo
Kai: where are you?

Me: I told you Sulley, Australia

Kai: I know that dummy
Kai: where abouts?
Kai: I'm at the airport

Me: you're what??
Me: tell me you're lying Kai

Kai: nah I'm literally sitting in the airport waiting for you to tell me which direction to head or I'm going to look like a fucking idiot

Me: I'm living with my boyfriend
Me: I don't know if he'd like you coming round

Kai: I'm your brother
Kai: tough fucking shit
Kai: I need to work out if he's good enough for you
Kai: and is it wise that you are living with him already?

Me: Kai you've literally been away for years you don't know what's good for me anymore
Me: and yes it is going great thank you

Kai: I'm not going until i see you

Me: oh god okay fine hold on let me ask him
Me: ...
Me: wow he's too nice he said sure
Me: I'll ping you the location hold up

Kai: good thank you

Me: please behave
Me: I really like this guy
Me: don't be scaring him with your stupid fight stories
Me: or stories of you in prison

Kai: I'll do what I need to do
Kai: if he needs taking down a few pegs I'll take him down

Me: I'll literally leave you at the airport

Kai: too late now I'm already in a cab
Kai: see you in a minute

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