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Group chat

Me: I'm gutted that I've got to go back again 😔
Me: you're all amazing and I love spending time with you
Me: I'm just about to board the plane so I'll catch up on messages when I land
Me: congratulations Michael and Crystal again!!
Me: I love you Calum
Me: I'll miss you all
Me: sorry for making this depressing but I'm literally on the verge of tears

Calum: baby 💔

Sierra: we really wish you could stay longer

Ashton: yeah it was so fun when we got to hang out!

Crystal: thanks babe! We will miss you! 💕

Michael: thanks Ellie! Still can't believe it myself 💍

Luke: safe journey home Ellie, it was cool to get to know you better!

Calum: look I no she is gonna c this but
Calum: I don't no how many more times I can do this 😫

Michael: do what? Keep saying bye to her?

Calum: yh it's honestly killing both of us

Ashton: emergency band chat meeting being called

Luke: alright see you there

Sierra: excuse me this is discrimination

Crystal: I want to know what you're planning!!

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