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Katie: you're honestly pathetic
Katie: look at you crawling back to Ashton even when he clearly showed his true feelings

Me: feelings I'm sure you planted in his mind

Katie: oh so I've got special powers now have I?
Katie: accept Ashton made up his mind and he chose me

Me: chose? It's not about choosing
Me: I'm trying to be a friend to him and you're his girlfriend, there shouldn't be a choice

Katie: he's not your friend
Katie: now leave him alone or so help me you will feel my wrath
Katie: he and I are going to enjoy the last few days of this trip together and then we all fly back
Katie: I don't want to see or hear from you
Katie: and I don't want to see that you've spoken to Ashton. Got it?

Me: surely that's his decision to make?

Katie: he's beside me dummy
Katie: he doesn't want to see you
Katie: goodbye

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