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Me: hey ash

Ash: hey els

Me: it was really great meeting you!
Me: thanks again for helping me meet Calum
Me: I promise it won't be as dramatic next time

Ash: it's ok

Me: you okay?

Ash: ...

Me: come on ash, you can talk to me

Ash: I know...
Ash: Katie text me again before we got to the airport
Ash: and it sounds stupid but it made me happy to see her name on my screen.
Ash: we'd been talking for so long before I found out she was your friend
Ash: then it all blew up and we hadn't spoken since
Ash: she really didn't wanna be with me last week
Ash: but now she's apologising and saying you had ruined her mood

Me: oh ash I'm sorry
Me: I can't say what she was like to you but I think you deserve a lot better than her
Me: just from her experience with me

Ash: but what if I don't want better?

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