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Ash: fuck fuck fuck
Ash: I just saw your messages

Me: this is why I hate her

Ash: noted

Me: she said if we pay her then she'll keep quiet, if we don't she'll sell the story and get money

Ash: so everything's about money again

Me: yup
Me: look you'll hate me for this but I think we need to tell Calum


Me: look it wasn't an easy decision to make but we talked it out like adults and it's all fine

Ash: he'll rip my head from my shoulders

Me: he won't because I'm there

Ash: not in person!!

Me: I'll fly out there if I have to
Me: No doubt she saved Calum's number from the group chat
Me: she'll send him the screenshot to pressure you to pay
Me: it's best he knows from us

Ash: shit
Ash: but I suppose you're right
Ash: I can't believe Katie would stoop this low

Me: I can, it's what she did to me before 🤷‍♀️

Ash: I feel like a fool for not listening to you before

Me: hey it's fine
Me: although that sentence would make a good song 😂

Ash: true
Ash: alright let's bite the bullet and get this chat over with
Ash: If I die, I want you to plan my funeral with Luke

Me: shut up irwin it'll be okay
Me: I'm not saying he'll be happy but he'll understand

Ash: wish me luck

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