115 - The End

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Ellie's PoV

Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined this would have happened. The more I thought about everything, the more lucky I counted myself.
Sierra, Crystal and myself stayed in the penthouse suite of the hotel the night before the wedding and had breakfast together, all of us buzzing with excitement about the prospect of marrying our partners later today. We went back up to the suite after our food and awaited the hair and makeup artists to arrive.
The hours whizzed by in a blur as we sat and got pampered, our hair and makeup being done how we had specified and making us look absolutely gorgeous. The two girls were so flawlessly pretty to begin with but the makeup just emphasised their features. We all styled our hair differently; Crystal opting for her hair to be down, Sierra wanting hers up and mine being half up. As we were pampered, we chatted about just about everything, getting ourselves psyched up for the biggest day of our lives.
Soon, it was time to put on our gowns. I'd only tried it on in the shop and the woman had been so kind as to pin it for me so it looked fitted - little did I know she was then going off to actually fix it for me. The others had been to a few appointments to make sure they were happy and as they slid into their dresses, my mouth dropped open in pure delight at how amazing they looked. I'd seen the dresses in the shop but paired with the hair and makeup and the freshly excited looks on their faces, it made it all a hundred times better. Crystal had a floor-length, figure hugging white dress with a plunging back. Sierra had a floor length dress too, but hers was more vintage with an A-shaped shirt and off the shoulder cuffs with detailing around the bust and waist. I finally stepped into mine and got tied into it. Mine had a sweetheart neckline and had a ribbon-tied back, making it feel like a corset at my top-half. The gems and detailing were all around my waist, the material pulling in at my hip and emphasising my hourglass figure. The skirt was floaty and hung just to the top of my shoes. I stared at myself in the mirror with shock taking over my features.

"You look amazing!" Sierra squealed from behind me. "This is going to be such an amazing day!"

"You look gorgeous. I can't wait to see Calum's face!" Crystal joked as we all hugged each other. A few quick photos later, from the photographer and with our phones, we were ready for the ceremony. Suddenly, I was a bag of nerves that could barely leave the room.

"I don't know what to say." I panicked to the girls who just smiled.

"You'll repeat after Ashton." Sierra soothed, her hand on my arm.

"What if I mess it up?" I continued. "And what if they're bored of hearing it third time around? Your families won't want to hear about me."

"Ellie, calm the fuck down." Crystal grabbed me by the shoulders and gave me a shake. "We have been planning this for you for months. It'll all be okay, nothing will surprise you. Just breathe, look beautiful and stun Calum. Okay?" I took a deep breath in and out as I nodded.

"Right. Of course. Thanks." I was still a bag of nerves but I didn't want to feel like I was ruining their day. I silenced my inner panic and focussed on the task ahead of me. I was getting married.

The music played and Sierra's dad greeted her at the top of the aisle, walking her slowly down it as everyone gasped at her beauty, taking photos of the moment as the photographer shot photos from different angles from next to Luke. His face lit up as soon as he saw her, his mouth falling open into a smile as he took in her dress and how amazing she looked. The music continued as Crystal's dad met her at the aisle, walking her down towards Michael who let out a nervous laugh when he saw how amazing she looked. They hugged as soon as they stood next to each other and made everyone 'aww'. The music continued and that must have been my cue - but there was no way my dad would have been here, he was nonexistent at the best of times.

"Hey Boo. You look beautiful." Kai towered over me, dressed very smartly in a three piece grey suit. "You ready?"

"You look great too Sulley, I'm glad it's you doing this." I said with my emotions running high and my eyes beginning to sting. He gave me a quick one armed squeeze before we walked down the aisle to more photos and cheers, Calum's jaw dropping as soon as he'd laid eyes on me. He shook hands with Kai and thanked him before holding my hands and giving me one more signature grin.

"You look perfect." He cooed, taking me in.

"You too." I whispered, finally taking the time to look at him in all his beauty. All three men wore fitted grey three piece suits, like Kai's, looking smart and ready for this big step. They looked jaw-droppingly gorgeous and every one of us was astounded at just how well they cleaned up.
Ashton arrived next and read out the speech he had prepared, finally getting down to the vows. We all stood nervously, the three couples, waiting for the words.
Crystal and Michael went first, reading after Ashton exchanging vows before putting their rings onto each other's fingers and being announced as bride and groom, the room cheered and clapped as they kissed and they celebrated. Soon after, the cheers died down and Luke and Sierra did the same. Finally, it was our turn and with nerves eating away at the small amount of confidence I had left, Calum's smile was all that offered me any calming influence.

"Do you Ellie Simmonds take Calum Hood to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Ashton asked. I bit my lips together as I took in my final, big breath before I spoke.

"I do." Calum's smile grew as he shyly looked at the floor.

"And do you Calum Hood, take Ellie Simmonds to be your lawfully wedded wife?" He let out a nervous laugh, causing some of the crowd to chuckle.

"Absolutely, I do."

"I pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride." As I glanced over at the crowd, all the families crying and smiling, I caught Kai's gaze and with a smile and a nod, I knew he was more than happy to support me. With cheers filling the air around us, Calum pulled me in and kissed me softly, enjoying the moment as we realised this was the start of a new part of both our lives together. It was going to change hugely, but for better or worse we were going to support each other through every part of it.

The end

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