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Ellie's PoV

It had been a hectic few months. I'd packed everything up and left my home to move here, to live with a guy I'd met from a wrong numbered text. We got on so well, better than I ever could have imagined. I was nervous about living here with him but now, as I lay awake in the bed having woken up before him, I really took the time to appreciate it all. This funny, wholesome and loving guy was actually a celebrity, a famous musician with millions of followers - yet he was so humble. He spoke to me, laughed with me, supported me just as I needed at the time. He wasn't too famous to talk to a 'normal' girl, he carried on talking with me, letting his friends know about me and our friendship - and relationship - blossoming. Moving here was my biggest fear, leaving everything and moving to another country yet here I was and I was loving it. Calum took the time to get to know Kai too, who phoned regularly and visited when he could, and even my terrifyingly protective brother approved of him. We'd really enjoyed living together too; we had time to cuddle and watch films, laugh as we cooked together and sit together in our pjs late into the night having deep and meaningful conversations that really made us connect. It was amazing to finally feel that connection with someone and to know I had him every day, even if it was only for a quick coffee before he ran out for a busy day of recording or a late snack after a promotion, I had learnt to appreciate every second with him. It's too easy to take for granted what we think we're going to have forever, and for all we know that 'forever' might not be as long as we hoped. We took photos, videos - both serious and goofy - just for us. I felt like I was living a dream.

Calum slowly turned over, rubbing his eyes and giving me a tired morning smile as he draped his arm over me.

"Morning baby." I moved to kiss him on the head.

"How long have you been up?" This time his hand rubbed through his hair as his eyes squinted to adjust to the small amount of sunlight that was cutting through the curtain and waking me up too.

"I don't know, half an hour? Not long." I spoke softly, moving closer to cuddle up with him. "I didn't want to disturb you." He smiled once more as he kissed me softly on the lips.

"You're worrying about tomorrow aren't you?" He stroked my cheek with his forefinger.

"No? Yes? I don't know." To be honest I wasn't sure if I was nervous or not, but there was an underlying feeling in my gut that I had to look good for the cameras and photographs because the fans - and the world - would probably end up seeing them. I couldn't look bad, not even once. It was that pressure that was weighing on me. I wasn't used to the attention, or the cameras. I was slowly getting to grips with being a celebrity girlfriend; the hounding by paps every time you breathed, the stupid questions they'd ask, the things they'd say to try and get a reaction out of you purely to sell the photo of your face... it was exhausting sometimes but worth it if I meant I was with Cal. However, this wedding was a huge deal, for the whole band and their girlfriends and I needed to make sure I didn't ruin it. How did I word that to him? Calum looked on, waiting for me to continue my explanation of my bad sleeping. "I'm nervous that I will ruin the photos or look bad or something. It's hard to explain." He moved to sit up slightly, his elbow propping him up as he looked at me with his serious face on, his eyebrows slightly raised to tell me I was being an idiot as his lips pursed for a moment whilst he thought of what to say.

"I understand." I double took, wrinkling my brows as I looked over at him with a confused look. He did? "Weddings are pressurised enough, for friends or family, wanting to make a good impression and do your best especially when you have a role to play. This time you're being the bridesmaid to two famous celebrities and their famous girlfriends. Paps will be around, photos will circle the internet. I get it." In one go, he'd summarised what I'd thought in a way I hadn't even put it. He really knew me. A smile crept on my face as he sat up further. "Now come on, beautiful, we have a fancy breakfast booking to attend."


The restaurant was Michelin starred and very, very fancy. We'd dressed up in our finest to have a breakfast-slash-brunch that had been booked by Calum in an attempt to spend a last bit of time together before the wedding plans meant we stayed away from each other tonight and tomorrow. Soft music filled the air as I carefully sipped my coffee, hoping not to dribble it down myself as the many staff hovered around the room, eyes on us to check everything was okay. Calum had even started to get nervous, which was something I'd very rarely seen of him. I offered him a reassuring smile as I held his hand across the table. Calum smile back at me before taking a breath and turning towards he staff, nodding at them. They quickly dispersed and began rushing around and before I knew it, they had brought us some champagne and a slice of my favourite coffee cake with some caramel drizzle that spelt out a sentence. As I looked down to read it, Calum quickly brought my attention back to him.

"Ellie, I know we met in exceptional circumstances and I still can't believe to this day that I was lucky enough to find you." He got off his chair and pulled a box from his pocket. My heart began to quicken. I glanced at the cake. Did those words say what I think they did? "I know you're the woman I want to spend my life with, to laugh with and hold nighttime conversations with about the world, to treasure and cuddle and everything that I love so much about us now." He got down on one knee. The whole restaurant fell silent. Every pair of eyes were on us. I wanted to cry, to scream, to pass out. My emotions and feelings were going haywire. "Ellie, would you do the honour of making me the happiest guy alive and being my wife?" My quivering hands covered my mouth as I let out a small and shaky breath.

"Yes." I breathed out, but it came out as a whisper. "Oh God yes." I flew off my chair and into his arms as the restaurant erupted into applause. "I love you Calum." He gripped me tighter than he ever had before.

"I love you Ellie." His mouth was close to my ear as he whispered to me. "I'll leave it up to you, but plans are in place if you wanted to get married tomorrow." I pulled away from him quickly, only purely to gauge his facial expressions. He was deadly serious.

"L-like a triple wedding?" I was still shaking. He nodded.

"Ashton is marrying us all - but only if you want to. We can arrange another date if you don't. I'm not going to pressure you." I shoved my lips against his in a quick burst of excitement and passion. I really loved this guy, what did I need to wait for?

"Let's do it."

Girls group chat

Me: aaaaahhhhhhh
Me: so this is what you all knew about???
Me: I can't believe it

Me: aaaaahhhhhhh Me: so this is what you all knew about??? Me: I can't believe itMe:

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Sierra: I'm so happy!!!

Crystal: we're all getting married in the morning!!

Me: I've never heard of a triple wedding I can't even handle the excitement
Me: wait I don't even have a dress

Crystal: oh but you do

Sierra: remember that one you tried on at the shop?

Me: the one I nearly cried over?

Crystal: it's waiting for you in the hotel room. Crystal: Thank us later

Me: both of you are honestly the best
Me: I'm so excited for this
Me: see you soon!

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