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Ash: els?
Ash: how are you?

Me: omg
Me: I never thought I'd see your name pop up again

Ash: it's so good to speak to you

Me: I'm sorry that cal went crazy like that
Me: are you okay?

Ash: I'll get there!
Ash: I see you ignored my question 🤔

Me: tbh ash I'm so fucking tired
Me: I've been working 5 days a week 12hr shifts and the other two on call just to make the money
Me: even my manager said I need to stop but I told her I desperately need the money

Ash: for your house?

Me: well no
Me: I'm trying to save up to fly out to see you guys and surprise cal
Me: you know the secret event you've got next week?

Ash: Jesus Ellie
Ash: you'll make yourself sick before you even manage to fly out here
Ash: as much as I want to commend you for a great idea and I really would love to see you

Me: I'm doing it
Me: I'm so close, one shift left and I'll have enough
Me: then I've told my manager I need a week to recover which she was happy about
Me: but don't tell cal, I want to surprise him

Ash: you're crazy
Ash: after everything he's said and done you still want to fly out to surprise him and work yourself to the bone to be able to do it

Me: look I know you two are in a bad place right now but I supported you when you were with Katie
Me: the least you can do is support me as my friend

Ash: you're right I'm sorry
Ash: and I'm sorry everything went like this

Me: I don't blame you

Ash: ❤️

Wrong Number / Calum Hood Where stories live. Discover now