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Me: okay baby I know we've been talking every day this week but I didn't ask this because I didn't want you to get mad
Me: is there a particular reason ash is ignoring me?
Me: I text him to check up on him
Me: he's reading them but never responding
Me: it's been a week now
Me: what's happened?

Calum: 🙄
Calum: of course u would ask
Calum: glad 2 c he can listen

Me: what are you talking about?
Me: cal did you have something to do with this?

Calum: of course I did
Calum: he fuckin fancies u am I the only sane person who thinks that's an issue?
Calum: I told him 2 stop talkin 2 u

Me: You had no right to do that

Calum: do I look bothered?

Me: unbelievable
Me: I turned him down
Me: we discussed it like adults and it was sorted
Me: why are you still acting so jealous?
Me: he's not a threat to you

Calum: it's not right
Calum: there r boundaries nd he crossed them

Me: when he was drunk

Calum: r u seriously sticking up 4 him?

Me: no
Me: I'm just stating facts

Calum: ur ridiculous

Me: and you're childish

Calum: when ur ready 2 apologise I'll b waitin
Calum: until then dnt speak 2 me

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