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Group chat

Calum: right guys, get ready nd meet at mine
Calum: the girls shuld b at the airport in 1hr
Calum: I've hired a minibus so we can pick them all up

Ashton: I'm just about to leave

Luke: me too, thanks cal

Mikey: yeah I might be late

Calum: mikey u live like 10mins from me

Mikey: 🤷‍♂️

Ashton: now seems like a good time to mention something important

Mikey: oh god I'm leaving now
Mikey: see ya in a bit ✌️

Luke: I swear if you spring something on me now I'm gonna flip

Calum: ash we're literally ready 2 leave any min

Ashton: the person I invited
Ashton: it's Katie
Ashton: seeing as we're picking her up you're going to find out anyway

Calum: ur jokin
Calum: plz say u r

Luke: yikes

Ashton: we've been speaking for ages again
Ashton: I'm giving it another go with her

Calum: u kept this quiet on purpose
Calum: I'm not picking her up

Mikey: I'm back I heard there's drama

Ashton: what? So you're gonna pick up everyone but her?

Calum: Katie is not one of us
Calum: she is not ruining Ellie again

Ashton: come on luke, mikey help me out

Mikey: if she upsets Crystal I won't be happy
Mikey: but right now I don't care

Luke: it's your decision who you want to bring
Luke: I'm not overly happy but it's up to you

Calum: ur all crazy
Calum: I'm not gonna pretend I like this

Luke: we know you don't
Luke: but you've gotta be good for Ashton
Luke: he's made his decision you need to accept it

Calum: ha yeah right
Calum: c u l8r

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