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Girls group chat

Me: okay I really have no idea what to do now

Crystal: oh no what's happened

Sierra: please say it's not to do with Katie?

Me: well you know that ash drunk text me

Crystal: yeah I heard about that
Crystal: talk about awkward

Sierra: yeah but you handled it really well
Sierra: Luke showed me the screenshot they sent

Me: well cal told ash to stop talking to me so he has
Me: then after a week of being ignored by ash I asked Calum what had happened
Me: cal flew off the handle and claimed I was sticking up for him so now he's not talking to me either
Me: he said unless I'm apologising not to speak to him
Me: how the hell do I sort this out?

Sierra: gosh that's a lot to fix

Crystal: umm I have no clue
Crystal: you know Luke and Michael really didn't think it was a big deal
Crystal: then Calum got funny with them too

Sierra: he's obviously scared that you're gonna leave him or something
Sierra: maybe you just need to prove that you're really happy with him?

Crystal: that's genius

Me: omg okay I like it!
Me: but how the hell do I do that??

Sierra: we're heading out to Aus in a month for a secret gig with fans who win invites
Sierra: maybe you could get over here and show him face to face?

Me: fly to aus next month?
Me: oh god I hope I can make enough to pay for a flight
Me: right, time to plan
Me: thanks girls! I owe you one!

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