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1 month later

Ash: hey els

Me: ash! Haven't heard from you in a while.
Me: how are you?

Ash: not great

Me: what? Why?

Ash: I've got to tell the guys something but I know they aren't going to like it
Ash: I'm sorry we haven't spoken and then when we do it's about helping me

Me: I'm always here for you
Me: what can I do to help?

Ash: to be honest you won't like what I'm saying but I think you'll react most reasonably

Me: ???

Ash: I decided to give it another go with Katie
Ash: we've been talking since we were flying back from you
Ash: she apologised and we just started again
Ash: she seems nice

Me: ...
Me: right
Me: so why do you want to tell the guys?

Ash: I've paid for her to come out and see me whilst we have a break between interviews next week
Ash: as you know we're doing Good Morning Australia and Sunrise on the Monday and then have a break until Thursday morning when we go to Today.
Ash: then we're good until Wednesday morning for Q&A.
Ash: we decided it was a good amount of time to spend with each other to get to know each other face to face

Me: it makes sense
Me: I mean I'm not going to lie, this sounds like she's getting a free trip to Australia all over it
Me: but I trust you and if you think she really wants to see you then I'm not going to argue

Ash: how do you think the guys will take it?

Me: Calum? Awfully
Me: the others maybe not too badly
Me: they were so mad that she hurt you though
Me: she'll have to earn their trust

Ash: thanks els
Ash: any wise words on how to deliver it?

Me: truthfully
Me: and as soon as possible

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