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Me: hey babe
Me: I guess I'll be seeing you next week 😘

Calum: omg really??

Me: of course! I've just said I've had a family emergency and I can't make it next week

Calum: u hav no idea how happy I am now 🥰

Me: I don't want you to pay for it all though, I'll put as much as I can towards my ticket

Calum: babe it's my treat

Me: remember when we first spoke? I told you I don't like taking what I can't repay

Calum: but I'm treating u. I don't want it back

Me: I'm still putting towards it

Calum: wow u r stubborn 🤣

Me: I know haha

Calum: I'll book it now tho
Calum: dnt no how many seats r left

Me: perfect
Me: just give me your bank details so I can send some money over

Calum: u really dnt miss a trick

Me: absolutely not
Me: but that has honestly cheered me up
Me: I really can't wait to see you again

Calum: me either
Calum: it's gonna b amazing

Me: thank you again
Me: love you and see you soon!

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