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Group chat (Calum, Ashton, Ellie)

Me: hiiiiii

Ash: hey

Calum: hi baby
Calum: hi Ellie 😝

Me: you're an idiot cal

Calum: I try
Calum: so what calls 4 this secret group chat of the 3 of us?
Calum: planning something for Michael's birthday?

Me: unfortunately not
Me: it's about Katie

Calum: what the fuck has she done now?
Calum: did she hurt u ash?

Me: kind of
Me: she's hurting all of us

Calum: I don't get it?

Ash: shit man this is gonna fucking suck

Calum: I swear if she's done something 2 u man I'm gonna lose it

Ash: I drunk text Ellie the night we all went out

Calum: okay? u never mentioned it els?

Me: no sorry

Ash: it's not her fault
Ash: I woke her up by accident
Ash: I text her telling her I liked her and I was sad she wasn't single

Calum: u did what?!

Me: cal I know this is coming as a shock but please hear him out

Ash: I'm sorry I was trying to keep it to myself and get over it

Calum: u stay away from her

Me: cal we talked and sorted it out, everything between us is fine

Calum: u hav been txting him this whole time nd didn't tell me?

Me: just listen to ash please

Calum: ur lucky I'm even in this chat still

Ash: Katie hacked my phone and screenshot that conversation
Ash: she's threatening to send it to the press if I don't pay her monthly and give her the lavish life she wants
Ash: if I don't pay she sells the photo to everyone and lives off the earnings from that

Calum: FUCK
Calum: I cnt believe u'd b so stupid

Ash: I'm so sorry

Me: he didn't mean for any of this to happen obviously! Please be kind

Calum: I dnt even no how to respond
Calum: it's ur mistake
Calum: u pay 4 it

Calum has left the chat

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