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Calum: I no ur asleep but I'm drunk
Calum: don't u think it's funny that we met when I text u by accident haha
Calum: it's crazy how life works sometimes
Calum: nd we talked all that time without knowing what the other looked like?
Calum: like you could have been Dave 🤣
Calum: u weren't tho

Calum: ash is still being weird with me
Calum: he's better wit Luke nd mikey but he's off with me
Calum: we're better tho so it should look better when we're out and stuff
Calum: I miss having my best friend around
Calum: nd I miss having u round 2
Calum: it sucks at the moment
Calum: I love you
Calum: I'm going 2 bed I def drunk 2 much

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