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2 Weeks Later

Me: Hey
Me: It's Calum's friend, right?

Unknown: Yeah. My name is Ashton.

Me: Hi Ashton.
Me: How is Calum?

Ashton: Why? Will it make you feel better?

Me: Woah okay
Me: I was worried about him
Me: That's all

Ashton: Worried enough to not talk to him for ages?

Me: I told you I can't speak to him

Ashton: Well don't bother speaking to me either then

Me: Ash wait

Ashton: Ashton. You have no right to shorten my name.

Me: Sorry.
Me: Look I'm just going to come out with it now.
Me: Its killing me trying to keep it a secret
Me: And its not helping anyone.

Ashton: ...

Me: Calum's girlfriend text me.
Me: She told me to back off and stay in my lane.
Me: She said she was watching me
Me: And that she could ruin me as soon as I told anyone she'd spoken to me
Me: I've got the conversation too.
Me: *sends screenshots of conversations*

Ashton: Wow.
Ashton: What a...
Ashton: I think I know what's going on. I just need to do something, hold on I'll be back to talk to you.

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