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Me: I really want to respond but I actually just can't think of words
Me: I'm sorry to put you in this position ash
Me: but I'm with Calum and I really like you being there for me as my best friend
Me: but thank you for telling me

Ash: how can you still be so sweet?
Ash: I feel awful
Ash: I'm sorry I text you that and made it uncomfortable

Me: it's not uncomfortable
Me: we can just talk it out like adults and all is okay 😊

Ash: I didn't say anything cos I didn't want to make it awkward between us
Ash: I really like talking to you
Ash: I was just going to ride it out

Me: I like talking to you too
Me: so let's just keep this to ourselves and don't worry
Me: I won't tell Calum anything
Me: and maybe next time hide your phone when you've drunk too much 😂

Ash: 😅
Ash: thank you so much
Ash: you've handled this so well
Ash: I'm never drinking again
Ash: I owe you one
Ash: ❤️

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