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Me: thank goodness that's over!

Calum: wow that took ages! U ok?

Me: I've got a hairline fracture but they said it'll just heal it's fine.

Calum: sounds painful! Was it worth it? Lol

Me: very funny! I've learnt from my mistake if that's what you mean!

Calum: good. Dnt do it again! I was worried about u!

Me: you're cute 😊
Me: but thank you
Me: and thanks for keeping me company.

Calum: its no problem! I enjoyed it

Me: don't know if I'm reading too much into it but it looks like your typing has got better 😉

Calum: maybe a bit just 4 u 😘

Me: thanks hun ❤️

Calum: so I guess u hav 2 take time off work?

Me: well I said I'd go in and do admin duties instead cos i cant afford to take sick leave.

Calum: damn I hate that girl

Me: join the club. When I find her the world is going to know about it.

Calum: I'll join u in finding her. What's her name?

Me: Bitch
Me: lol
Me: Katie Harrison.
Me: urgh just seeing her name makes me want to punch a wall.

Calum: don't let her stress u out

Me: too late unfortunately. Still annoys me that I never took note of the signs

Calum: signs?

Me: that she wasn't a legit friend
Me: just me paying for small things
Me: I'd end up paying for meals out
Me: she'd cancel out on things without really caring
Me: just stupid things but real friends wouldn't do it.

Calum: true dat
Calum: I'm sorry u had 2 go thru this.

Me: it's fine! Enough about me, I'd like to know more about your friends...
me: the ones who have an equally luxurious lifestyle

Calum: haha not much 2 say. There's 4 of us. 3 known each other since school, met other slightly l8r. We love music.

Me: sweet
Me: it must be so nice to have people who know you so well and for so long that you never worry
Me: sorry didn't mean to make that sound depressing

Calum: it's ok
Calum: after wot u've gone thru I'm not surprised. It is nice tho, I can trust them with anything really.
Calum: They'd get on so well with you!
Calum: maybe u can meet 1 day

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