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Guy's Group chat

Calum: emergency meeting

Luke: oh god what now

Mikey: you guys love drama

Luke: who is it about now?
Luke: and what have they done?

Mikey: I swear if someone says Katie I'm gonna flip

Calum: then make sure u hav a soft landing

Luke: 😂

Mikey: it's not fucking funny
Mikey: this girl has insulted all our partners and tried to ruin us yet she's still in the equation??

Luke: you have a point
Luke: ash I thought you said the other night that she was gone for good

Ash: that's what I'd hoped

Mikey: so what the hell happened?
Mikey: please tell me you didn't say you'd get back with her because you were drunk

Calum: it's worse

Luke: spit it out already

Ash: I drunk text Ellie

Mikey: fuck me that's it?

Luke: you hear that? It's the world ending

Calum: just let him say it

Ash: I told her I fancied her and was sad Calum had got there first

Luke: 😬

Mikey: 😱

Calum: nd then??

Mikey: shit there's more?

Ash: fuck
Ash: katie hacked my phone and took a screenshot of the conversation
Ash: now she's threatening me

Luke: threatening with what

Ash: basically to pay her silence
Ash: she wants monthly payments to keep it quiet
Ash: If I don't pay up, she sells the story to every paper and lives off the earnings

Mikey: her and her fucking schemes

Calum: so yh wot the hell can we do?

Luke: I may be able to get legals involved I mean she hacked your phone that's pretty much a done deal

Mikey: yeah but the minute she gets a whiff of men in suits she'll leak the photo

Luke: sorry cal I'm gonna have to ask it but is it even that bad?

Calum: u mean other than him sayin he fancies my girl?

Ash: nothing else
Ash: it was pretty one sided because she knew I was drunk
Ash: the next morning she politely turned me down

Calum: which is bad enough

Mikey: I get you're mad cal but we need to think logically about this

Luke: to see if it's even worth the effort

Ash: it's mainly just gonna make me look like a drunk idiot

Calum: who cant keep his eye off other people's partners

Ash: alright cal I get it

Calum: u don't seem 2

Luke: enough guys
Luke: send us the chat please

Ash: what right here right now?

Mikey: yes

Ash: Christ
Ash: *sends screenshot*

Calum: pissed I got there 1st? How long hav u liked her?

Mikey: actually it's really not that bad

Luke: yeah it's very gentle

Calum: u guys r unbelievable

Ash: since we spoke about her meeting you in London

Mikey: it's not like she agreed and they discussed having an affair cal
Mikey: I'd tell her you're not paying her

Luke: I agree but I'll speak to Legals anyway

Calum: u r kidding
Calum: u want this 2 b leaked?
Calum: nd ash If u ever speak 2 her again I'm never speaking 2 u again

Ash: come on cal
Ash: she's my best friend

Luke: yeah that's a bit harsh

Mikey: she already turned him down what's the harm in them being friends?

Calum: I'm not having it
Calum: don't speak 2 her
Calum: bye

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