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Guys group chat

Ashton: okay meeting commenced

Calum: I dnt no what's goin on bt I'm here

Luke: yeah we keep calling these emergency meetings

Mikey: there are a lot of emergencies

Ashton: okay hold on bear with me

Calum left the chat

Luke: what happened?

Ashton: I kicked calum out for a minute

Mikey: what? Why?

Ashton: because we need to help a brother and he can't know what we're planning

Luke: he got mad last time we kept a secret

Mikey: I'm intrigued.. go on...

Luke: *inserts Michael Jackson eating popcorn meme*

Ashton: right so he's always sad when they have to leave each other right?
Ashton: and I mean they FaceTime like every day
Ashton: he's already announced her to the fan base and they seem to like her too
Ashton: so why can't she just move to aus or to America to be with the girls?
Ashton: that way she's not always having to fly alone to England and back?

Mikey: well I suppose it makes sense
Mikey: the girls seem to like her too
Mikey: and her job isn't one that she can't find anywhere else

Luke: I mean I like the idea but it's not for us to decide
Luke: like her and Calum need to have that chat

Ashton: yeah I get that but I wanted to plant the seed
Ashton: Calum doesn't think sometimes
Ashton: I know he won't come up with it by himself

Mikey: so you're just going to chat with him about it?

Ashton: why me?

Luke: it's your idea?

Ashton: I thought we could all mention it

Luke: you're scared to say it aren't you?

Ashton: after he flipped at me for what I text Ellie I don't particularly want to suggest her living with us

Mikey: haha what a drama that was
Mikey: but seriously why don't we talk to him, you suggest she lives with the girls and I'll suggest she could live here

Ashton: thanks man I appreciate it

Luke: so you gonna let him back in the chat?

Calum was added to the group

Calum: what the hell?
Calum: did 1 of u kick me out?

Ashton: it was only for a chat

Calum: what about this time?

Luke: it's nothing bad man calm down!
Luke: we were talking about you and Ellie

Calum: of course u were

Ashton: we hate seeing you this sad and we were talking about how you'd been going out for a while now and I suggested asking you and her if she could move to America and live with the girls
Ashton: you know so she's with people and not feeling as alone or away from us

Mikey: or she could move to aus, the girls are in America for their jobs but Ellie's job isn't one that she'd struggle to find over here. We still have hospitals.

Calum: u guys really care that much?

Luke: obviously

Calum: I dnt no though, she'd hav 2 leave everything

Mikey: that's why you ask her
Mikey: we're not asking you to decide for her

Calum: right of course
Calum: ok, I'll ask her when she lands

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