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Me: Yes

Calum: ?

Me: to your last question
Me: I want to move to Australia
Me: if you'll have me

Calum: r u fuckin serious?!

Me: nah I was just messing 🙄
Me: of course I'm being serious

Calum: I'm so happy
Calum: that has literally cheered up my life
Calum: I'm grinning like an idiot
Calum: the guys r taking the piss outta me

Me: I guess they know what we're talking about then?

Calum: what made u decide?
Calum: when can u come?

Me: I've got nothing holding me here
Me: and I can't stand being away from you
Me: or the goodbyes
Me: it was an easy choice
Me: I just need to sell my place and I'll use that money to buy a place over there
Me: you'll have to help with where's nice and whatnot because I've never even looked at houses in Australia

Calum: fuck all that
Calum: fly over tomorrow
Calum: I'll sort everything out

Me: I need to quit my job first

Calum: u hav worked more hours than needed 2 quit
Calum: tell them an emergency came up

Me: cal hold up a minute!
Me: this is so unexpected and sudden

Calum: u havin 2nd thoughts?

Me: not at all!
Me: but that doesn't give me long to pack?!

Calum: alright I'll book a flight on Wednesday
Calum: that gives u time to quit nd pack
Calum: nd this time I'm payin

Me: cal you know what I think

Calum: nd I dnt care
Calum: c u on Wednesday 😘

Me: you're unbelievable

Calum: u love it though

Me: wow soon we're actually gonna be living near each other

Calum: livin together

Me: ???

Calum: it'll take some time 2 sort out a place
Calum: u can say at mine until it's done

Me: yikes you're gonna have to learn to live with my bad habits very quickly

Calum: if it's 2 bad I'll send u home again it's fine 🤣

Me: ruuude
Me: but seriously thank you
Me: I'm really looking forward to this new chapter of my life with you

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