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Secret society chat

Sierra: plan red is in place you're good to go

Calum: plan red?

Crystal: told you she took the spy stuff too seriously

Sierra: red like love?

Crystal: or blood

Calum: yeah I thought anger

Sierra: you guys are useless 🤦‍♀️
Sierra: okay plan love is in place
Sierra: doesn't sound as good

Crystal: it doesn't need a spy name

Sierra: this is serious guys
Sierra: probably the most serious Calum's ever been about something

Calum: alright guys!
Calum: everything's in place yh?

Crystal: of course
Crystal: don't you trust us?

Calum: if I didn't would we even b talking right now?

Crystal: point taken
Crystal: let us know how it goes
Crystal: good luck 🤞

Sierra: she'll love it
Sierra: I want photos
Sierra: don't mess up cal

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