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2 weeks later

Calum: ok I really cnt stand not speaking 2 u
Calum: I'm sorry 4 what I said
Calum: Luke nd mikey spoke 2 me nd jus made me look at it differently

Me: sorry I'll respond when I can I'm just at work

Calum: u said that the other night

Me: I was working then too

Calum: ok so when r u free 4 a call?

Me: tbh cal I'm working every day this week

Calum: what? Why?

Me: nothing else to do and no-one to speak to

Calum: every day? Surely that's 2 much?

Me: ngl I hate it but I need the money

Calum: 4 what?

Me: my bills?

Calum: I'll pay 4 them
Calum: cancel some shifts

Me: I can't sorry
Me: and you know I don't take money from people if I don't think I can pay it back

Calum: look I no I've been a dick bt let me help u
Calum: u will work urself in2 the ground

Me: I'm okay thank you
Me: sorry I've got to go

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