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Katie: you two are actually serious huh

Me: what do you want?

Katie: you're actually moving to Australia to be with Calum
Katie: i totally thought he'd get bored by now
Katie: there's not much that's exciting about you

Me: I'm not entertaining you anymore Katie

Katie: how much money are you getting from selling the flat?

Me: oh look Katie talking about money, that's new!!

Katie: whatever it is, it'll be mine

Me: and threatening again

Katie: I've still got the screenshot with Ashton

Me: we sorted that out didn't we?

Katie: annoyingly
Katie: getting legal people involved, stupid really

Me: you HACKED Ashton's phone

Katie: rightly so, look what I found.
Katie: but don't worry
Katie: I'll find something to ruin you just like you ruined me

Me: you ruined yourself Katie

Katie: others will say differently
Katie: just you wait and see
Katie: I'm coming for all of you
Katie: this is going to be fun!

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