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Me: ash?

Ash: I'm surprised you're even talking to me

Me: I wanted to check you were okay?

Ash: why?

Me: because that group chat yesterday would have been hard on you
Me: you really like Katie and everyone just insulted her
Me: I know it would have been tough to witness

Ash: I don't get you

Me: ?

Ash: you saw what I wrote yet here you are

Me: so it was you that wrote it? 💔

Ash: Katie told me you'd made her mad
Ash: she said she felt like the three of you were purposely trying to exclude her from the spa day
Ash: from my point of view that's a very valid reason to get upset
Ash: okay maybe she could have gone about it better but so could all of you

Me: ash
Me: you know I'm not one to try and ruin what you have with Katie
Me: but you have to believe me when I say we were not excluding her
Me: I'll be honest, I wasn't talking to her but I haven't been for years
Me: Crystal and Sierra were so friendly and their usual selves to her
Me: she just got upset because they said I'd slotted into being with you all and they didn't say it to her

Ash: ...

Me: I'm not asking you to choose me over your girlfriend. But please just think about what I said. You know me, I'm always honest with you.

Ash: I know
Ash: that's why I'm finding this so hard 😣😫

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