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Group chat

Ash: hey guys!

Luke: why is it every time you start the chat like this I get worried?

Mikey: I see no lies 👀

Ash: shut up

Calum: wots up?

Ash: okay so I'm just gonna say it

Luke: see I was right

Ash: you've all invited people to come over next week when we've got a break
Ash: and I'm not gonna be sitting around on my own
Ash: so I've invited someone to come and see me

Mikey: okay?

Luke: we're all staying together though

Calum: yh we weren't gonna leave u alone

Ash: come on be realistic!
Ash: Luke you're really not gonna spend any time alone with Sierra? You haven't seen her for 4 months

Luke: ...
Luke: ok fair point

Mikey: is this person as dramatic as the last one
Mikey: our group chats were fun back then

Calum: fun?
Calum: Katie is a bitch who financially ruined Ellie and you think that's fun??

Mikey: alright calm down

Luke: it's fine cal, she's long gone now
Luke: this person can't be any worse than her

Mikey: is it another woman?

Ash: yeah...

Mikey: that's cool then
Mikey: maybe she'll help Ellie feel less nervous

Luke: Sierra and Crystal will make her feel at home I'm sure

Mikey: yeah but she's not used to the paps or the attention

Ash: it's fine, we'll be there to support her

Calum: yeah I won't let anything happen 2 her
Calum: u can b sure of that

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