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Ash: hey
Ash: Ellie
Ash: els??
Ash: are you there?
Ash: please talk to me

Me: ash what the hell its 3am

Ash: shit I forgot about time zones

Me: are you okay? You haven't spoken to me for weeks

Ash: no I'm not
Ash: it's all gone tp shut

Me: are you drunk?

Ash: maybbbbeeeeeeee

Me: ash go to bed and come back to this conversation with a clear head

Ash: it's never been clearee
Ash: clearer

Me: Ashton please
Me: last I heard you didn't want to know me
Me: this is like when people drunk dial their ex
Me: you'll regret this in the morning

Ash: never... I really need to say this and get it off my chest
Ash: I'm really fucking sorry Ellie
Ash: for basically everything over the last few months
Ash: I've been an asshole to you and it's not fair
Ash: I was jealous

Me: jealous of what?
Me: why am I even entertaining this?

Ash: cos you still love me ☺️
Ash: jealous that you and Calum were happy and everyone loved you. You slotted straight in with the gang
Ash: I was mad because Katie couldn't even make a good first impression
Ash: that she just flew over and screwed it up with everyone on day one.
Ash: and I was just wishing she was more like you
Ash: someone who cared and thought about others and listened to them and showed their love on a deeper level

Me: hate to break it to you ash but Katie is not like that at all
Me: for best friends we were polar opposites

Ash: she got it in my head that you were out to get her, targeting her and bullying her
Ash: but I know you and I just couldn't believe it no matter how hard she tried to convince me
Ash: I faked that I believed it on that group message cos she was glaring over my shoulder practically telling me what to write
Ash: she can't stand that we are friends
Ash: but when you text me afterwards even though I'd insulted you my mind was made up

Me: I know
Me: she banned me from speaking to you before we left too

Ash: and my biggest regret of that is not making sure I said bye to you
Ash: even if you shoved me away at least I'd have known that I tried
Ash: but instead I went with Katie and ignored you
Ash: and I feel like a piece of shit

Me: no ash
Me: we're all just pawns in her dumb game
Me: I don't blame you, I blame her
Me: I don't hate you

Ash: I've really missed you

Me: I've missed speaking with you too

Ash: I've broken up with Katie for good

Me: ah I'm sorry to hear that I hope it's not been too hard on you

Ash: I've got worse to deal with right now

Me: you have? 🙁

Ash: yeah, my mind is a mess. I'm trying to deal with that, fix my friendships, promote our new music even though it feels like it's come at the worst time in my life and as a cherry on top
Ash: I think I've found someone else

Me: isn't that a good thing?

Ash: not really
Ash: it's a terrible time
Ash: and she's not single

Me: oh I'm sorry Ashton 💕
Me: i can't imagine what you're going through , I'm here for you!
Me: how do you know she's not single?
Me: If you want we can talk about it when you've sobered up

Ash: but now is the only time I'll have the courage to be open about it
Ash: I know she's not cos she's dating one of my best friends
Ash: ah fuck it Ellie it's you
Ash: god it felt good to get that off my chest
Ash: I can see why Calum fell for you so quickly
Ash: I'm just pissed he got there first
Ash: I'm going to bed now
Ash: goodnifgt elkie

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