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Ellie's PoV

When the plane finally landed, I couldn't have been happier. Not only was that the longest flight I ever had to endure, but it was all done with Katie literally in front of me trying to make conversation every half an hour. She brought up her flight to Bali, how this wasn't as luxurious as her seat there had been and how she had good company on the flight then. It took every ounce of strength not to lean forward and punch her in the back of her head but I knew it would only get fed back to the guys and with my new found fame growing, I was too nervous to get a bad rep as being that crazy girlfriend who punched people on planes.

We went through the airport and to the baggage thing together, knowing we had to put up with each other for the next week, Katie acting sickly sweet as we headed out of their and towards the group that were all waiting for us with smiles wide.

"Behave yourself Ellie. Don't want you looking bad in front of these people." Katie giggled quietly into my ear before she took off, running over to Ashton with her arms wide as she enveloped him in a huge hug. He looked so happy that I couldn't help but smile back, after what he'd been texting me and how worried he was, it was nice to see him happy.

"Ellie!" Calum was the one rushing towards me, picking me up into a hug as he spun me round. I laughed as he finally put me down and I took the opportunity to give him a quick kiss on the lips.

"I missed you so much!" I cooed, hugging him once again.

"Come on, the minibus is this way." Calum headed over to the rest of the guys and two women I'd heard about but hadn't yet met.

"Nice to see you again Ellie!" Michael waved, then pointed at the slim woman beside him. "This is Crystal." The tall woman with long ombré hair pulled me into a hug straight away, a grin so wide that it made me feel at home. She wore a lace bralette and some skinny jeans with high heeled boots. She was very stylish, which made me feel very underdressed.

"Nice to meet you Ellie!" She said, finally letting me go so she could take me in.

"Nice to meet you too, Crystal. I've heard a lot about you - all good things don't worry!" I said back, hoping to make a good impression. Just behind her, in my eye line, I could see some people snapping photos of us and my stomach tightened, suddenly unsure if I looked good enough to be news worthy.

"And this is Sierra." Luke introduced, smiling kindly as a smaller slim female headed towards me. She had long dark hair over one shoulder and wore a long sleeved peach crop top and some black high waisted trousers, paired with wedges. She, too, looked amazing. I was once again pulled into a hug and quickly said my usual thing to try and make a good impression.

"It's lovely to finally meet you Sierra, I've heard great things about you." She smiled back and I quickly headed back to Calum for some safety whilst they greeted Katie. Calum's arms wrapped around my waist as he stood behind me, his head rested on my shoulder as he whispered in my ear.

"How was she on the plane?" His breath made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I shivered under his touch.

"Brought up Bali, said I was acting like a bitch for not talking to her and then said I needed to behave or I'd lose you." I sighed. "The usual manipulation." His arms tightened around me as he tensed. "It's fine, she doesn't faze me any more." Calum was quick to kiss me on the cheek.

"I'm proud of you babe. I definitely wouldn't be behaving as well as you." He said with a smirk on his face. I spun round and looked up into his eyes, feeling instantly at home.

"What did I do to deserve you?" I whispered, pulling him closer.

"Alright lovebirds, let's head to the minibus. We've only got today to get acquainted, we've got our first interview tomorrow." Michael announced and the group of us headed into the minibus, sitting beside our partners as we headed off to the large house we were all sharing for the next week. We all chatted happily as we made our way there, Katie even making jokes and leading conversations as if she'd never made a bad first impression. Her and Ashton were cuddled up together in the back, whispering things to each other now and again.

The rest of the day went without a hitch, all of us enjoying both lunch and dinner cooked by the group before we settled down to watch a movie marathon with snacks. Katie and Ashton sat together on one sofa, the rest of us sitting on our boyfriend's lap to watch the horror collection Michael had picked for us. It started with Nightmare On Elm Street and was followed by Friday The 13th, Halloween and Child's Play. We all screamed, laughed and chatted the night away but in the back of my mind, the way Katie kept glancing over at me made me feel that something wasn't going to go well once the guys had left us tomorrow morning. The nerves had settled in. I hoped tomorrow went well.

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