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Group chat (minus Katie)
(Authors note I'm excited for this chapter)

Luke: alright, I'm calling an urgent meeting now
Luke: by text
Luke: sorry to interrupt our nights with our partners but this is important

Ashton: why isn't Katie in it? Let me add her

Michael: no
Michael: she's not in it for a reason

Ashton: what's going on?

Calum: what's goin on? Katie is Satan in human form

Me: woah cal hun that's a little harsh

Calum: is it?? After wot she said?

Ashton: hey!
Ashton: I'm not here to listen to you all badmouth her

Sierra: okay let's just get to the point

Crystal: ash, Katie was truly awful today
Crystal: I'm sorry to say it, I really gave her a chance even after what I'd heard about her

Michael: why are you sounding so nice about it babe? She fucking insulted you

Ashton: what? That doesn't sound like Katie!!

Me: I'm sorry ash it's true
Me: I had to leave the spa

Calum: Katie made every 1 of the girls feel like shit

Ashton: I don't believe it

Luke: you don't believe us? Over her??

Ashton: that's not what I'm saying...

Calum: u should hav listened 2 us about her

Ashton: I'm sure this is all a misunderstanding

Sierra: she said I was too old to date Luke and I was just with him for his money and fame because my singing career didn't take off as well as I'd wanted

Crystal: she said I was only a popular influencer because I looked easy
Crystal: and then told me she didn't see what Michael saw in a fake, uneducated Barbie

Me: and then she reminded me of every bad thing that had happened since we were friends and reiterated why I deserved it
Me: and said none of you really liked me but it was fun to mess with my head

Ashton: that's insane
Ashton: she's never said things like that to me

Calum: ash she fucking stole thousands from Ellie nd treated herself 2 a long trip 2 Bali
Calum: then came back in2 her life nd reminded her of it
Calum: this sounds exactly like her

Ashton: but she's not like that with me
Ashton: that's why we gave it another shot

Michael: well news flash Ashton
Michael: she's pissed us all off by upsetting our girlfriends
Michael: Calum was right we should have left her at the airport 🙄

Calum: told u
Calum: every1 told me I needed 2 b there 4 Ashton
Calum: bt who's there 4 Ellie or Crystal or Sierra when they r gettin insulted??

Ashton: this is too much to take in right now
Ashton: it's like we're talking about two different people

Me: ash I'm sorry it's come to you to sort out
Me: but Katie doesn't listen to or care for anyone else in this group clearly

Ashton: i don't believe she would have done that without something setting her off first

Crystal: now you're blaming us??

Sierra: I knew this wouldn't work

Calum: dnt u dare turn this round on the unproblematic ppl in our group

Ashton: Ellie what did you say to her?

Me: excuse me?

Ashton: Katie only hated you

Me: wow so you think I wound her up?

Ashton: yes probably

Sierra: she didn't say anything ashton

Crystal: we complimented Ellie on fitting into the group well

Ashton: did you say it to her too?

Sierra: no but only cos you guys aren't official

Ashton: so you left her out on purpose?

Crystal: can you not read? We didn't know you were official

Ashton: whatever
Ashton: I'm going to speak to her now
Ashton: seeing as no one wants to check she's okay
Ashton: but you'll all gang up on her to support Ellie

Calum: rightly so

Luke: ash calm down and think for a second

Michael: Ellie isn't insulting everyone

Ashton: why do you all like Ellie better than Katie? Huh?
Ashton: because she's fake and overly friendly?
Ashton: because she's prettier?
Ashton: because you all feel sorry for Calum for being single for so long?
Ashton: I'd love to hear it
Ashton: they were best friends
Ashton: they're similar in so many ways yet you like one and not the other
Ashton: fuck you all
Ashton: Katie is genuinely a nice person and we are happy together
Ashton: if you can't see that then don't talk to me
Ashton: and Ellie you need to sort yourself out and leave Katie alone
Ashton: from what I hear she's being friendly to you and you're acting like a bitch
Ashton: maybe you need to reevaluate yourself

Ashton left the chat

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