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Calum: I'm so sorry 4 the drunk txts baby

Me: it's fine!
Me: they were true 😂

Calum: it's so embarrassing

Me: hey I said don't worry about it
Me: I didn't mind
Me: felt loved 🥰

Calum: haha ok
Calum: it's crazy how busy we r but I cnt stop thinkin bout u

Me: how are all the interviews and promotions going?

Calum: today we will b performin our single live on air for Good Morning.

Me: yikes no pressure
Me: bet you're excited for everyone to hear it!

Calum: def but wish u could b there

Me: maybe I can watch it somehow and then we can chat about it

Calum: it'd mean the world

Me: it's the least I can do
Me: I'm sure someone in the fan base has a link I can use

Calum: this fan base has everything u could need and even things u didn't no u could get lol

** Twitter **

Elliefant5: hey beauties! Does anyone have a link for the Good Morning show? Desperate to watch @/calum5sos live on air even if I am across the world 🥰

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