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Group chat

Me: just got home and caught up on all your messages 💔
Me: I wish I didn't have to do this anymore
Me: I think you're all amazing
Me: I know you're all busy now so probably won't see this until later and I'll be asleep
Me: it's crazy to me that there are people in the world who are truly genuine and caring
Me: I lost all hope after Katie and i didn't even bother to make friends after that
Me: which I hated but it made me a person who didn't care
Me: so when Calum messaged me by accident I actually entertained it because people never messaged me
Me: I know it wasn't smooth sailing and ash took it upon himself to help which I'm forever grateful for
Me: but I've loved every moment with Calum
Me: and then I met you all and saw how close you all are
Me: and I wanted to be a part of that
Me: sorry I'll shut up now
Me: I'm jet-lagged, emotional and tired
Me: speak soon xxx

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