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Calum: hey babe

Me: heyyyyy
Me: how was the flight?

Calum: ash was sad all day

Me: 😢

Calum: I cnt believe he wants 2 b wit Katie
Calum: after all this shit

Me: she was probably so nice to him when they spoke and made him fall for her
Me: then she revealed herself but it was too late for ash
Me: I feel terrible

Calum: y?

Me: cos I brought my crap into your lives

Calum: bt u didn't no she was gonna turn up from Bali
Calum: u said she lived out there

Me: I thought she did
Me: I wished she did

Calum: so it's not on u
Calum: this is all on that idiot

Me: what she said before has made me more nervous
Me: she says she's gonna use my fame to get her lavish lifestyle
Me: I just know she's going to do something awful

Calum: more awful than faking an injury Nd using ur friends money 2 pay 4 a holiday??

Me: probably yes

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