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Unknown: Ellie?
Unknown: Please say you still have the same number?
Unknown: I don't know how else to contact you

Me: Katie just leave me alone
Me: stopping messing about

Unknown: Katie? Who's Katie?
Unknown: is this Ellie?

Me: yeah I'm Ellie, who are you?

Unknown: it's Kai

Me: impossible

Unknown: possible
Unknown: fucking hell I don't have long
Unknown: I need to see you

Me: is it really you?

Unknown: yeah
Unknown: look I know I left on bad terms but I'm sorry and I love you
Unknown: I'm out soon, end of the week, can I come and see you?

Me: Kai I'm moving to Australia this week

Unknown: you're doing what?

Me: I have nothing keeping me here and I'm in a relationship with someone Australian

Unknown: so you're just moving out there? Is that safe?

Me: doesn't matter no one would care

Unknown: Ellie I'd care and you know it

Me: and where have you been for the last 4 years?

Unknown: low blow Ellie
Unknown: you know why I'm here

Me: sorry talking to you has stirred up emotions

Unknown: come and visit me before you leave?

Me: you are kidding right?

Unknown: no I really miss you
Unknown: look I'm not meant to be texting
Unknown: please see me before you go
Unknown: I love you Ellie

Me: shit
Me: I love you Kai Kai


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Who do you think Kai is? And where has he been?

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